What do you want?


When I wrote about the kissing in the rain blog post, I ended up watching this scene (“fight scene” video clip). I thought that their kissing in the rain scene was my most favorite… 



… til I saw this then I realized  that this is the best part. How he knew her so well… maybe better than she knew herself. He reminded me of my Mr. Almost Right. I never really let any man in after him. I couldn’t take the risk of having my heart broken like that again. Yes, I know that I was the one who left him (twice… or was it thrice?) but that didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt me. 



Anyway, I feel that I gravitated towards this scene. I can relate. It hit close to home… like, bulls eye close. I have always listened to my parents. Yes, I am that child. The little miss goody two shoes. I left my first true love (and maybe the only one I have really loved in every sense of the word) because my dad couldn’t accept him.



Well, there were other things but that was the biggest deal breaker. Eloping did cross my mind but I was Daddy’s girl and I couldn’t break my dad’s heart like that. We were together for about 7 years and were planning to get married when my dad suddenly decided to ship me out of the country. But it didn’t end there. We got back together briefly coz he was still in love with me after so many years. Our paths crossed again years after that. I was a single mom then. But it’s a long story, I’ll share in another post.

Are you a “hopeless romantic” like me?

What are your fave romance movie scenes?

Grosses bises  ♥  Etoile

Never be like you

I heard this song and I liked the rhythm but I didn’t really get what it meant til I asked my daughter what it was about. Then it sank in.

I don’t know what to say. I’m out of words. This made me think… I guess it doesn’t really pertain to us… not in a physical way, anyway.

I can never get mad at my Frenchie. He has not done anything to make me mad at him.

Frustrated maybe.

Disappointed sometimes.

But I can never get mad at him.

Ever… I don’t think.



Never be like you

What I would do to take away
This fear of being loved, allegiance to the pain
Now I fucked up and I’m missing you
Never be like you
I would give anything to change
This fickle minded heart that loves fake shiny things
Now I fucked up and I’m missing you
Never be like you

I’m only human can’t you see
I ma-I made a mistake
Please just look me in my face
Tell me everything’s okay
‘Cause I got it
Oo ooh
Never be like you

Why do I make you want to stay
Hate sleeping on my own, missing the way you taste
Now I’m fucked up and I’m missing you
Never be like you

Stop looking at me with those eyes
Like I could disappear and you wouldn’t care why
Now I’m fucked up and I’m missing you
Never be like you

I’m only human can’t you see
I ma-I made a mistake
Please just look me in my face
Tell me everything’s okay
‘Cause I got it
Ooo ooh
Never be like you

I’m falling on my knees
Forgive me, I’m a fucking fool
I’m begging darling please
absolve me of my sins, won’t you


I’m falling on my knees
Forgive me, I’m a fucking fool
I’m begging darling please
Absolve me of my sins, won’t you

I’m only human can’t you see
I ma-I made a mistake
Please just look me in my face
Tell me everything’s okay
‘Cause I got it
Oo ooh
Never be like you



Grosses bises  ♥  Etoile