Energy Orgasm (full body orgasm)

If you’ve been following my blog, you must know by now that I’m the kind of person who is a pleaser… a giver… and being a little competitive and OCD, I love to do research and perfect my craft.

I’m also pretty curious and I happen to bump into the realm of energy orgasm which is connected to Tantra which I have been thinking of delving into since 2003 (I met this Italian guy who introduced this concept to me. This piqued my curiosity then Sting happened and the rest is history). Tantra teachers educate people on how to direct sexual energy out of the genitals so that it flows throughout the whole body. This is the ultimate pleasure – when every cell of your body tingles in delight. Nice!


What is an Energy Orgasm? 

An ENERGY orgasm or full-body orgasm is an experience of feeling your whole body vibrating with orgasmic energy. This can be done outside of a sexual context as well as while making love… the good news is anyone can learn how to have a full-body orgasm.



How to Have an Energy Orgasm?

The more energy you have, the more intense the orgasm. Focus on the feeling you get from each touch, and the deep connection you have with your partner. As you explore each other’s bodies, slowly your energy will build momentum, and you’ll feel your mind and body transcending to a deeper place.


A full body orgasm includes a variety of sensations that lead to an orgasm that may last between a few minutes and a few hours. This is a game changer for men since with practice, they can actually finally experience “multiple” orgasm.


Anyway, I joined this meetup group in LA and I signed up for these workshops they’re hosting in Redondo Beach. I’m really excited and very nervous at the same time. I was really hoping that I would have a willing partner but it’s neither here nor there. I have decided to go solo.

I’ll keep you posted… haha


Grosses bises  ♥  Etoile



Size doesn’t matter…

Whilst I was still seeing Zohan, we had some back and forth about penis size. I told him I’ve never dated anyone who bragged about his dick so much. Well, he kept insinuating that I couldn’t handle it. Whatever! Ugh! (I mentioned in a previous post that he does have Big Hands),


Zohan: Have you ever been with a black guy?
Me: No.
Zohan: Um, ok (smile naughty — I think)
Me: What’s up? What does that mean?
Zohan: Nothing. Just asking.
Me: Nope. You were smiling funny.  That meant something. What???
Zohan: Well, ok. Just wanted to say you’re missing out… (chuckles)
Me: Excuse you. Missing out on what? I’ve heard that cliche before, if that’s what you mean and I think it’s overrated. And, I haven’t been with a black guy coz I haven’t met one that I liked.
Zohan: Okay… (smiles and chuckles)
Me: No, really. It’s all the same to me. And I’m color blind.
Zohan: So you’re saying if I were this small (holding his pinky out) that you wouldn’t mind?
Me: Nope. Size doesn’t matter. Fit matters.
Zohan: What does that even mean???
Me: Well, even if you have a big dick if you don’t know how to pleasure a woman,  then what’s the point? Meanwhile, if you have a small to average dick there’s a chance you might try to compensate.
Zohan: rolls his eyes
Me: I win! 🙂


Our conversations were a little tongue in cheek and I enjoyed it… as much as he made me blush… a lot! He didn’t make it sound bad or dirty. I would end up rolling my eyes so much it gave me a headache… lol 🙂   and I think he really thought it was cute… haha


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My argument was, “Size doesn’t matter, fit matters“… then I found this quote that I’ve never heard before… It makes sense. If you think about it, even if it fits but if the captain can’t stay in the port long enough, it’ll piss you off… lol   It does make sense, right?



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We would’ve been a good match. We talked about sex a lot. It was obvious that we both loved sex. Too bad we didn’t get a chance to show each other how mindblowing it would’ve been.

But I have no regrets, with his performance in making out in the car, I didn’t think I missed out on something big. Especially not on the kissing part. If you think about your ex when a guy kisses you, that should be a sign… haha



Long story short, I never gave him a chance to prove that I couldn’t handle his dick. He was a talker and I decided that he didn’t deserve me. I was too good for him.

He has been stalking me coz I gave him a snippet of some of my magic 😉 …  “mind blowing ” stuff indeed. His words, not mine.  I never gave him a chance to show me some of his tricks coz he spent his time yapping when he could’ve acted on it. Obviously, he wasn’t good in the game.


Studies have shown that out of a broad range of penis features, the size is one of the least important things to women. More important to women than the size of their partener’s penis was its cosmetic appearance and the appearance of pubic hair. 

Only women who were easily and frequently able to experience vaginal orgasms showed a significant preference towards men with larger penises. So, for most women, the length of your penis has absolutely no influence on your skills as a lover.

Penises which are too large are a turn off … Men with big penises reading this may have gotten this far and still maintained a happy level of smugness. Well, this might wipe the smile off their faces, because it turns out that flaccid penises over 7.6cm ( 2.9in) were actually ranked as being unattractive by females. So next time you’re in a changing room, peering sideways at the member of the man next to you – remember, comparing yourself to other men isn’t helpful! Penises come in all shapes and sizes, and the length doesn’t have much influence on the pleasure you can give your partner. If you really want to make sure you’re a Casanova in the bedroom; embrace your natural penis size and google ‘CLITORIS’ instead. — (SOURCEWhy Size Doesn’t Matter)

I found this interesting article that you might want to check out… Can a Penis Be Too Big for Your Vagina?


So what do you think?

Does size matter?


Grosses bises  ♥  Etoile



Kim Anami: The Well-F**ked Woman

Very interesting… don’t we all wanna be WF’d?  I mentioned a few posts ago that I discovered Kim Anami when I came across one of her writings that sparked my curiosity. Well, that’s actually an understatement.  I was way more than curious. Wouldn’t you be??? The article was about the  “The 4-hour Orgasm” which opened a whole new world for me because as much as I didn’t really learn much from that as I would have loved to, I discovered new things or terms like Vaginal Kung Fu, how to use the Yoni Eggs, etc. This lead me to check out her Instagram, and cuture shock or not,  her photos were artfully done as she was strutting across the globe whilst hoisting weight from the center of her powerful yoni.



Anyway, after reading her article, I found out I was WF’d after all…  pretty much… 😉    without a partner,  nevertheless. Who says we need a partner to be WF’s? haha


Kim Anami is a holistic sex + relationship expert and coach, writer and speaker. Her musings on love, life and sex can be found at  @ and on her Instagram page where she posts her #thingsiliftwithmyvagina series . She has graced the pages of very popular magazines like Playboy, Elle, Glamour, Marie Claire and national radio and talk shows.


In marriages and relationships all over the world, women are suffering from not having enough sex. 

Or the right kind of sex.

If you aren’t tapped into your sexual energy as a woman, you are missing out on a huge source of power and pleasure.

You are deficient without it.

When you get turned on in bed, you get turned on in life.

SEX — the right kind of sex—is the magic bullet for all that ails you

It will transform your life. As it did mine.

~Kim Anami ~


Kim is also known as a vaginal weight lifter. When I checked out her Instagram account, it then opened other doors that lead me to enlightenment. Seriously! In fact, I found the feature photo which compelled me to listen to Daniel Vitalis’ “Rewild Yourself” podcast episode on with the same title, “The Well Fucked Woman” by  Kim Anami.



BTW, while I was doing my research about this post, I bumped into this blog, The Pleasure Projectby Kendall and found her very interesting post  “The Well F**ked Woman“. Her post includes some quotes from Kim as well as her own personal commentary. My only comment here is that, I have no clue if I have ever experienced cervical orgasm. How do you even know what kind of orgasm it is? I know I’ve had earth shattering orgasms but I’m not getting all scientific about it… haha  Does it even matter anymore once you hit the goal?


Let me tell ya, I may not have a partner right now but I sure am well-f**ked… and proud of it… haha


I hope you learned something new here. I know I did.

If you want to learn more, Kim runs a series of online courses, which she calls “salons” on sex and relationships. It also contains a host of free videos to get you started! You will learn things like Vaginal Kung Fu, How to Be a Well-F**ked Woman , etc.  Go check out her website… 


Grosses bises  ♥  Etoile


20160711 – News  : Faut-il tout essayer sexuellement ? (Should we try everything sexually?)

Un article très intéressant…

a good argument about whether or not we should try everything in sex.

Do we really???


“Quoi qu’en disent les chantres du tout-sexuel, du carpe diem intimidant, de la dolce vita marathonienne et exhaustive : s’il fallait tout essayer avant de dire non, nous serions dégoûtés du sexe. Comme des enfants malheureux de n’avoir jamais appris la frustration. Qui ne tente rien n’a rien, mais qui tente n’importe quoi n’est pas plus avancé.”


Grosses bises  ♥  Etoile



Pimpf : Drifting somewhere...

[Chronique] La curiosité sexuelle doit-elle – et peut-elle – être sans limites ? Faut-il goûter avant de dire non, tout tenter pour ne rien rater ? La chroniqueuse Maïa Mazaurette répond aux chantres du tout-sexuel et de la dolce vita marathonienne et exhaustive.

Deux poids, deux mesures : alors qu’on apprend aux enfants à « goûter avant de dire non » (au risque de retrouver des traînées de purée carotte-camembert sur les murs), nous nous autorisons sexuellement à ne pas goûter. A détester avant d’essayer. A ne pas se faire notre propre idée. Comment justifier ce passe-droit ?

La question se pose parce que l’idée de tout essayer est finalement très implantée dans notre culture sexuelle. Les prétentieux se vantent d’avoir tout essayé, les gourmands de vouloir tout essayer.

La lecture d’un dictionnaire des paraphilies, ou des 120 Journées de Sodome, devrait poser un cadre à cet insondable appétit (nous sommes tous et toutes bien trop…

View original post 1,113 more words

Vaginal Kung Fu

I have never heard of the term Vaginal Kung Fu until today. Believe it or not, I just came across this article, The 4-hour Orgasm, so I became curious and discovered that the writer, Kim Anami, (a.k.a. The Well-F**ked Woman) is a black belt in this martial art… pun intended. LOL  It is more commonly known as Vaginal Weightlifting, however, it doesn’t ring a bell for me either. I must have lived under a rock all this time. hahaha

What is Vaginal Kung Fu, anyway? It is an ancient Taoist practice that encompasses strength training exercises of pelvic floor muscles by contraction to lift objects that are inserted in the vagina. One of the most common tools used in this activity is called a Yoni Egg or  Jade eggs though there’s a variety of eggs you can choose from and add other products that can hang from it via a string. 


Kim discovered the ancient Taoist practice of vaginal weight lifting about 15 years ago. She says she tried it and noticed an immediate benefit. According to her, “Vaginal Kung Fu invigorates the vagina so it can function as it’s meant to: a giver of multiple orgasms and life-changing pleasure. Not only did I feel vaginally stronger, but my orgasms were more powerful and pleasurable.” 


According to Kim, some of the benefits that results from using this practice includes toning of the the pelvic floor and vaginal area thereby eliminating problems of urinary incontinence;  reconnection of a woman to her body and sexual power resulting in better and more powerful orgasms for her and her parner; an increase in libido; emotional and mental healing on different levels esp. for victims of past trauma;  easier childbirth, and last but not least, the ability to shoot Ping-Pong balls out of your lady parts… if you have them. This I would like to see… haha 😉

Here’s Kim’s free video series on Vaginal Kung Fu:

Disclaimer: Kim Anami is not a medical professional. If you have questions, please ask your doctor before trying at home.

For those of you who are interested in beginning a VKF practice, Sofia Sundari has a detailed step by step instruction on her website @

For starters, you may begin with your pouch filled with other gemstones or small pebbles using the dental floss that usually comes with the package. Once you have mastered that then you may move onto heavier weights.

Attach weight using a nylon thread (not dental floss) for heavier weightlifting. Pop the egg inside your yoni then clench your pubococcygeal muscles (the ones you use to hold your pee). Stand still with your legs apart and with your back upright. Start swinging the pouch forwards and backwards by thrusting your pelvis to create a pendulum effect.

Do a set of 10 initially then take a short break by holding onto the weights with your hand. Increase the time and the number of sets/repetition as you gain pubococcygeal  muscle control.

Grosses bises  ♥  Etoile



NOTE: The type of stone that is recommended whether you’re a beginner or advance level is the Nephrite Jade because it is the strongest stone compared to others used for this activity and it can withstand having weights tied to it.

WARNING: Like any kind of physical activity, it is recommended to consult with your medical professional prior to starting. Please DO NOT use the yoni eggs if it causes any pain or discomfort. Also, it is not recommended if you are pregnant, or using an IUD or similar contraceptives.