Of Lists & Transformations


I just blogged about my wishlist and I realized that I don’t make lists as often as I used to since I came back from my trip. My youngest daughter actually commented a couple of weeks ago that she can’t believe she misses her “list making mom”… LOL       I was kinda OCD before that trip. If you go to my house you’d find lists inside kitchen cupboards  or bathroom cabinets among other places, and sometimes my bedroom  walls… I make daily to do lists for my family and myself. I make list for when we go on vacations, when we go camping, when we throw a party… there’s always a reason for me to generate a list or create a spreadsheet.

Even my employees commented that I became laid back and was more relaxed and happier.  Every time someone asks me what happened I have no answer … up to now I’m still thinking coz I can’t give all the credit to my Frenchie just like how Stella got her Groove back. No way Jose! haha

Now I thought maybe I should make a list of the possible topics I should blog about as sometimes I can’t think of things to write. Call it writer’s block if you may. Then it dawned on me… What am I going to do if this ended? This blog seems to be totally dependent on my LDR with my Frenchie and I feel wishy-washy with him. Just imagine the many times I have written my goodbye emails to him and now I have a template that I have been tweaking. And that one time in January where I left a 5-minute voicemail of why I can’t do this anymore which I caved after I heard his lovely, sexy voice… ooooh la la!!!

Huh! I’m not even going to plan it… there is no past or present… there is only NOW… I’m going to enjoy it… to the fullest… embrace it… taste it and cherish it… so yeah… no lists.. no planning… for now at least…  🙂


Grosses bises  ♥  Etoile


  1. Cherryl · December 22, 2016

    I’m also a big fan of lists – they really help!

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